Credit Card Compare Support

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Are there any fees associated with transferring a personal loan to a credit card?

Possibly. The balance transfer may incur an upfront transfer fee of between 1% and 3% of the amount being transferred. Also, if you fail to repay the loan before an introductory zero-interest period …...

Is there any limit to the amount of personal loan balance I can transfer to a new credit card?

Yes. In most cases a transferred balance will not be allowed to exceed a fixed percentage (e.g. 80%) of your credit limit. For example, if you are approved for a credit limit of $10,000, the maximum …...

What are the eligibility criteria for transferring a personal loan to a credit card?

It varies from card to card. Basically you will need to meet the eligibility criteria for the card itself (e.g. minimum age, minimum income, Australian residency, reasonable credit score). If your ap…...

Can I transfer a personal loan from any bank to my new card?

You cannot transfer a personal loan from the financial institution to which the new card provider belongs. E.g. you can’t transfer a Citi personal loan to a Citi credit card. ...

Can I transfer a personal loan if it was taken out in someone else’s name, for example my partner’s name?

No. The personal loan, being transferred to a credit card in your name, must have been taken out in your name. ...

If I’m transferring my loan to a rewards credit card, will I earn rewards points on the transferred amount?

No. None of the card providers accepting personal loan transfers allocate rewards points on the transferred amount. ...

Which is best, a debt consolidation loan or a personal loan balance transfer?

It depends on your circumstances. The point of balance transferring a personal loan is to take advantage of a card’s zero-interest introductory offer. Provided you are confident you can repay the loa…...

If I have transferred a personal loan to my new card, can I still use it for purchases?

You can, but it wouldn’t be a wise move, for two reasons. Firstly, having an unpaid balance transfer means you won’t qualify for interest-free days on purchases. This means you’ll pay interest from e…...

Should I apply for the personal loan balance transfer at the same time as applying for the new card?

If your main purpose in applying for the new card is the balance transfer, then yes. You don’t want to incur the expense of a new card (i.e. the annual fee) only to discover that your balance transfe…...

Can I consolidate all my debts by transferring other card balances as well as a personal loan (or loans)?

Provided the total amount does not exceed your approved credit limit (or the permitted percentage of your approved credit limit) the card provider will usually allow you to consolidate your debt with…...

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